Monday, August 8, 2016

Taught My First Lesson

Oi amigos e familia!!

Well I have been in the MTC like 5ish days but it feels like I have been here a lifetime!! I love it and I feel like I am learning a lot, but it also makes me feel like these 6 weeks will go by SO SLOWWW!! But that's okay I probably need all the help I can get because Portugese is SO HARD! 

Okay so we got here on Wednesday and just got straight to work! I love the spirit in the MTC so much and it really just testifies that I am in the right place doing the right thing. My companion is Sister Shepard. I love her a lot! She is going to the Portugal Porto mission though so I won't see her after the MTC :(. We have 13 people in our district. 4 sisters and 9 elders. Me and the other 3 sisters are going to Lisbon along with 6 elders. I already really like my district but we get distracted SO MUCH! haha

 Thursday we had our first day of Portuguese and it was so crazy! Our teacher is irmao Workman and he is the hardest teacher but I am kind of happy about that because it makes me feel like I will learn a lot quicker (hopefully).  About like 4 people in my disctrict are fluent in Spanish, and Sister Johnson lived in Brazil for 2 years so like they all are getting the language so quick and so its hard not to compare to them but I am definitely not as good as them hahah. On our second day in the MTC we got called to be sister training leaders and we were like wait what?? haha But its been good because we have been able to learn and get to know all the sisters in our zone. Four of the sisters in our zone left today because they got their visas so they are now in the Brazil MTC. SO its just us 4 going to Portugal and then 2 sisters going to Cape Verde so its not too much.

Friday we taught our first investagator which was so cool because we literally had just heard Portugese for the first time the day before. At one paoint I bore my testimony that was written down on paper and then Paula (our investigator) asked me how I knew and I was like shoot I dont even know Portuguese! But then though the little of the language I know I was able to say that through bprayer I can talk to Heavenly Father and the Espirito Santo (Holy Ghost) testifies of the truth. 

Saturday was a hard day because we realized how much dang studying is involved to teach lessons! We have to write it in English and then translate it to Portuguese and then practice it. Also I totally suck at pronouncing the words -like SO BAD haha. 

Yesterday was a blessed day! Sundays are so so good. The spirit was so strong and most of the day was in English which was SO GOOD!! We sang in the MTC choir, mostly because it was fast Sunday and we got to eat dinner and hour earlier haha but I love it so much! The whole fireside was about Joseph Smith and so we sang Praise to the Man and the spirit was so strong!! It made me so grateful for Joseph Smith and the Sacrifices he made so that I can be a missionary right now and teach others about this restored Gospel.

Um not going to lie.. it's so hard to study so much here. LIke we probably study for 5 hours and day and have 3 hours of language class and so staying focused is my biggest struggle. I also didn't realize how hard it was to be exactly obedient. Like I guess I am pretty used to bending the rules but we have a goal this week to follow the rules exactly so that we can get the maximum amount of blessings because we need all we can get. 

I have really been thinking about 1 Nephi 3:7 where Nephi is like "I'll go and do the thing that the Lord has commanded for I know that the Lord gives no commandment save he shall prepare a way". I know my mission call was from the Lord and that He knows I can do it. Somedays I feel like I will never be fluent in Portugese and never be a good teacher, but I know there is a reason I am going to Portugal and I just need to trust in the Lord. 

Umm so something funny that happened this week was Sister Shepard, Sister Johnson, Sister Foster and I all went to go the bathroom and after getting out of the stalls we walked over to the sink and saw a urinal and then realized we were in the guys bathroom HAHA so yes I still embarrass myeslf even though I am a missionary. 

Also my parents sent me the biggest box in MTC history probably! My whole room loves them dearly for it hahah especially the night before fast Sunday.

Oh and I have seen SOO many friends and I love it so so much!!!  I have seen Addi a few times, Krista is right down the hall, and I see Haylie a bunch too! I went to the temple with Sam Hunter today so that was cool!! I think I have seen everyone I know at the MTC and I love seeing so familiar faces!!

Love you all!! The church is true!! 
Sister Jones  

The pictures below are me and my companion, the Sisters in my Zone and my entire Zone!

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