Monday, January 22, 2018

The Final Countdown

Wow, what a CRAZY week we had. It was probably one of the hardest weeks of my mission, but we saw many prayers and fasts answered right at the end, and our investigator, Ana, will be getting baptized this Saturday! The trial of faith is SO real, and this time it hit us as missionaries in MANY different ways. If it was having to live without electricity for day and a half, having a fire alarm go off in the middle of the night, getting lost on our way back to Evora and losing a whole day of work, or 2 of our friends that were marked for baptism falling through and not wanting to meet with us anymore, it sure did try our faith. But we kept working hard and we saw a miracle right at the end with Ana. I feel so blessed to be doing this work and being trusted by the Lord. 

So yea, what a week. And what a year and a half! Yep, that’s right. Whether I like it or not, I am officially entering my last week as a missionary. My last week with Jesus Christ´s name on my chest, in this beautiful country, doing the best work that exists. I am not even going to try to put into words all that I have seen/learned/experienced this past year and a half, because there is not enough words, time, or space for that.

When I look back at the last 18 months, I am filled with awe of everything that has happened. Whether it be hugging my family goodbye, learning a different language, dealing with appointments falling through, rejections, fallen baptisms, new members falling away, having to walk miles in the burning sun, or in the pouring rain, the homesickness, the strange food, cold water showers, and so much more. I can say it was the hardest 18 months of my whole life, but all those small sacrifices seem so small compared to the joy I have felt here in the mission. There is no other feeling as sweet as seeing someone open their door to let us in, and then open their heart to let it be touched by the spirit, and truly watching as their life changes. Finding more light, becoming a new person through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Finding hope when they thought all was lost, feeling relief and comfort through repentance, and feeling the love that their Heavenly Father has for all of His children. There truly are no words to describe it and I am so grateful I could be an instrument in the Lord´s hands and truly follow Him. There is no more rewarding work than missionary work. I know without a doubt I would not of been able to do this work without the Savior at my side at all times. He is there to comfort during hard times, enjoy the easier times, and celebrate all the victories. 

I feel so blessed to have all you guys at my side also. All the support, emails, cards, packages, prayers, and fasting made a HUGE difference and confirmed that I have the best fan club at home :) 

I entered this beautiful country a year and a half ago with a strong testimony, but I am leaving 100% converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am SO sad to leave, but excited to see what I have in store for me in the future. 

But until then, I got 8 more days to finish STRONG! 

Love you all and see you NEXT week! 

Com Amor,

Sister Jones 

Here are bunch of random photos of some of my favorite people I have et here in Portugal. I feel so blessed, and for sure a BIG part of my heart is staying here with them

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