Monday, June 5, 2017

It's Getting Hot Here!

Hello everyone!!! 

We had a good week! We really turned it around here and are getting along great. I know that Sister Green has been having a hard time with confidence so this week we took a quick dinner break, sat on a bench, ate sandwiches and basically talked about our biggest fears in the mission. It was good to gain that trust and I think it really helped her realize that she can do more than she thinks. Also she has made more goals to speak in Portuguese so that should be good and help her a lot.

It has been getting HOT! It defiantly feels like summer here. Its been in the high 80s all week. We are sweating A LOT here in the streets!!! Every time I say that people tell me to just wait because it will only get worse.. HAPPY SUMMER!!! But seriously, I am thankful for parents and grandparents who send good deodorant from the United States; I am not grateful for all the Europeans here who think deodorant isn’t necessary. Like HELLO PEOPLE who STINK! 

But it is officially JUNE! It is the BEST month ever!! (and not only because its my birthday month... okay maybe). We have had some good days here in Faro! There was one night that the sunset was just so pretty and the temperature was just so perfect that we were walking and I just had the biggest smile on my face and was SO happy to live in this wonderful world, and to think that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us so much that he literally created all these beautiful things to make us happy. Man it is a good life. 

Also with summer here in the Algarve its basically a tourist city! Everyday there are lost people on the street who find us to ask for directions in English haha and we are always happy to help. This week there was a couple from Australia and my comp got so excited to talk to them! They started talking so fast with the accents and I literally didn’t understand basically anything. It was so weird I was like this is not the English that I know HAHAHA. 

I literally only speak in Portuguese. It is actually way annoying to me to speak in English. There was a family in our ward yesterday who is from Pasadena, the Bush´s. They know the Facers and the Halls (I don’t know the halls but they said they are from Mission Viejo) and so I had to translate for them and then we were talking afterward. Let me just tell you that I was SO relieved to talk Portuguese again. English is SO annoying. haha

We are looking for a lot of investigators.. Its not the most fun thing in the world, but it has to be done of course so its that time right now haha. It’s been good. We have found a few new people with some potential so it should be good to keep working with them!!

But other than that we have taught a few good lessons this week! We had one lesson where the spirit was so strong and I could really feel the spirit guiding our words and telling us what to say. IT was a really cool experience. I am so grateful for the guidance of the spirit in our lives everyday as a missionary. 

No more water turn offs luckily!! We have one new elder in our area, but he is going home this transfer too! In our district we have all new missionaries haha!  The majority of them have less time than me on my mission which is so weird because I feel SO new here. Like really so new. 

But yea that was our week! Also we are teaching Portuguese to an investigator who only speaks English and its SO HARD, I have no idea how I learned Portuguese. I think it was a miracle... haha 


Sister Jones and Mariana.  Her Dad is less active so they are reactivating him and teaching her.  She has  ALOT of energy!

Selfie with Mariana (of course)

Sister Green and I

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