Monday, December 19, 2016

This Week My Heart Almost Exploded

Hello Everyone! 

This week was AMAZING! Probably one of the better weeks of my whole mission. Of course it had its low points, but was so full of joy and love and so many awesome lessons!! 

SO I should probably address the subject line. My heart didn’t literally almost explode (but knowing my luck it is a possibility) but we had a day full of so much love from other people that I literally thought my heart would explode. This day was incredible! It started off with lunch with one of our investigators, Candida, it was her birthday on Friday so on Saturday we had lunch with her and brought her a cake. We showed up and she had a table all set up and a fancy lunch all prepared for us. We sat around and laughed and ate, and also ate so much cake. It was so good and so fun and I was just so happy. Then after this we ran to catch a bus to teach Felipe (our investigator with a baptism date). When we got there he asked us what we would do for Christmas and we just said we will spend time with members and at church and stuff. He then said he bought a present for us and came back with two boxes of chocolate!! He said that he figured we probably don’t get many presents so he wanted to get us one. It was so sweet and I was literally speechless!! Then after our lesson with him (which was incredible!) we stopped by another investigator who lives close by and she gave us a huge cake, and two boxes of chocolates also. Was SO nice!!! I think because of the rain and wind we were looking a little pathetic or something and these people took pity on us. Then at night we had dinner with Isabel, the less active I absolutely love. Our day was just SO good and SO happy and I just felt such a love and happiness I can’t even explain. It was just such a good day and AHHH!! No words to explain the happiness I feel here. 

But yea Felipe is progressing SO well! We finished all the commandments this week and he accepted them all and said he wants to live them because he knows it is what God wants him to do!! He also said the reason he wants to get baptized is to change and become closer to Christ. HE GETS IT! He gets more and more amazing with every lesson and I love teaching him!! 

We also taught his best friend, Miguel, this week and it was such an amazing lesson and the spirit was so strong and he had so many good questions and is already on 1 Nephi 18! But we need prayers now because we haven’t been able to get in contact with him for almost a week now and he has a ton of work. He is marked for baptism with Felipe but we need lots of prayers that we can find him and continue to teach him! He really is incredible and the definition of an elect! 

Also this week at night we went to Mem Martins for their ward Christmas party and it was SO fun! There were SO many people (I am used to like 15 people tops every Sunday) but it was so fun! We got to hang out with other missionaries and eat a ton of yummy food and just get in the Christmas spirit! 

Christmas here they celebrate more on the 24th.  They stay awake until midnight and then open the presents and then have a party until 4 in the morning and then the day of Christmas is more laid back and they pass the day with family. They normally eat cod fish and a lot of treats and seafood. I will tell you more in Skype because I don’t have much time. 

We are so excited for Christmas this week! I hope you guys all have an amazing Christmas and enjoy time together with family!! 

Oh yea we watch and share light the world video with a lot of people. Here is actually translates to be a light of the world. I like it a lot it’s way good! We don’t have ipads or access to internet so we can’t to the challenges everyday but the video is way good I love it! 

Com Amor,

Sister Jones 

Felipe giving us chocolate

Our Study desks

Sunset in Mafra

Mafra Sunset

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