Monday, November 7, 2016

Three months in the mission and I still can’t make rice!

Sister Jones and Sister Conrad


This week was good!! Still use the map A LOT but we have been able to find all the addresses we need and some days I don’t even need the map to find an address so yes progress!!! But other days we look like tourists as 2 Americans wonder around the city looking at every street sign HAHA but é vida. ~

But this week was good! We had TWO meals this week, which doesn’t happen often, and they were both so good so it was a great week. . People here eat A LOT its really funny. We get a lot of Brazilian food which is literally just rice beans and meat but some how the way they make it is SO GOOD!!! I think after my mission I need to move to Brazil because the food there is literally incredible. 

Also it’s really good that we had meals because I Sister Conrad and I are literally a joke in the kitchen. So like I mentioned last week we tried rice and literally failed so hard. So we literally dedicated our hour of almoço to making rice 4 different days this week and still failed. But don’t worry we asked an investigator what we are doing wrong and I think we learned. SO this week we are going to buy more and we are going to make rice and it will be amazing. HAHAHA yea our lives may be a tad pathetic but its okay. When I return home I will now how to make rice!! Just wait. ~

Also this week we realized we have close to no investigators that are progressing in Mafra. It’s no secret that Mafra is the hardest area in the mission. I tried really hard not to believe that but its true. The people here are not the most receptive and so we will give a few lessons but not many to people before they drop us or we have to drop them because they aren’t keeping commitments. That’s the hardest because there are people I LOVE that just won’t do anything so we can’t waste our time on them but its really hard to accept that at times. 

We have some in other areas that have much more potential so we decided we need to buy bus passes so we can visit these people more often. But bus passes in Mafra are SO expensive so we will probably be starving by the end of the month but tudo bem because I am so excited about the fact that we can visit anyone any day we want!! Its so freeing and I think it will help our work a lot!! YEA!!

Also this week we basically decided that we need to dedicate a lot of time to inactive members in the branch. We only have 2 fully active members in Mafra and then 1 in a city fairly close. But we have literally so so so many inactive members. It’s hard because a lot of them have been offended by people in the church, but still have a testimony. But we are trying to visit them a lot more and are really focusing on bringing the spirit back to their home. AND THEN YESTERDAY at church LUCAS and ALICE came to church!! For Alice it was her first time in over a year!!!! When she walked in I was shocked because Sister Santos and I worked with her every week for 6 weeks and saw no progress but but AHH!! and the Lucas came too! He is 19 and has a really strong testimony but the only member in his family and he’s just kinda lazy so it’s hard for him to wake up in time. But he is awesome and we are focusing on helping him be prepared for the priesthood. But I already have such a love for all the menos activos and really want to help them so I am excited and ready to really try to reactivate them!! 

Also this week has been a week of cão (dog). Which is a huge bummer because bother Sister Conrad and I HATE dogs so it’s the worst. Literally every time we see a dog in the street we freak out a little bit and I swear every person we teach has a dog it’s the WORST! Also really funny when 2 young adults are screaming in the street because a dog keeps coming up to them. We are way to similar its actually a problem hahaha

A few answers to questions Mom asked:

I don’t get as many emails as much but I still get a lot more than I expected. A lot are the same people every week but sometimes other people surprise me and so it’s really nice. 

I already miss the temple so much so I know in a few more months I will miss it so much. Already can’t wait to go when I return. 

Also okay I was thinking about things for Christmas I want pictures!! Literally so many of anything! Funny family pictures selfies literally any pictures that are old or recent. Pictures are gold here and I regret not bringing that many so much!! Also idk if you guys know how to do this but videos on a flashdrive. Like The Best 2 Years or good Disney movies on a flashdrive so we can watch on Pday. You will probably have to ask people how to do that and if you cant figure it out its totally fine. Also last thing is I want things that are sentimental and maybe cheesy?? I know that’s lame but Christmas here will be so different than at home so I want things that will remind me of home and notes and cards from you guys are great always. Okay I know that’s a lot so I don’t need all of that haha I feel greedy right now 

BUT YEA! That was my week. Nothing too exciting to report on. Its hard out here in Mafra but we try everyday to work harder and be better and try to find the people that the Lord has prepared for us. 

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