Monday, April 10, 2017

The Week of a Batismo and Pranks

Olá todos!! 

Hope you guys are all having a great week!! We had a good and crazy week here in Faro!! 

We have been working hard this week and we were determined to end this transfer on a good note, and it happened! We ended up baptizing Maria Graça on Saturday!!! She had a lot of test of faith to arrive at her baptismo but she recognized all of them and still showed up, early!! 

We basically lost contact with her for almost a whole week. She came to conference last Saturday and Sunday, but after that every time we called it went straight to voicemail. We became really worried and didn’t know what happened. But finally on Thursday she answered, we marked an appointment with her and taught her! That night she said that her Saturday is really busy and she can’t be baptized, but after some talking and praying she decided she needed to be baptized on Saturday.  So on Friday she made some calls and arranged her schedule to be baptized! She called us on Friday morning to say this so we literally spent all Friday planning a baptism and making sure everything was good. She was interviewed on Saturday night and passed!! Up to this point basically everything that could of gone bad, went bad and we really recognized the law of opposition with this baptism. We explained this to her MANY times and told her not to get discouraged. And she didn’t!! On Saturday after the interview we were walking back to our apartments together and like 2 minutes after we parted ways she fell, and almost broke her wrist. She was in a lot of pain during the baptism but she showed up and said "I know that I am doing the right thing and that is why there is so much opposition coming my way". But she was baptized and received the Gift of the Holy Ghost yesterday and it was just so good!! I was so happy for her and I know her life will be SO blessed because of this decision!! 

But while we were planning this baptism, the elders decided it was a perfect time to play a prank on us. SO what actually happened is that last Sunday they locked their keys in their apartment so we had to get them for them, and while we were in there we decided that they needed a little prank. So we put some salt in their toothpaste. Just a harmless little prank (this prank thing has been going on for some time). BUT they didn’t even say anything until almost a whole week. We were convicted that they don’t brush their teeth but they were saying that they thought they had a problem with their mouths or something (who knows, elders are weird). SO we knew something was coming for us, but we were so busy planning this baptism and doing everything we couldn’t stay on guard. SO long story really short on Saturday we had a feeling they were in our apartment so before an appointment we stopped by our home, only to find TWO ELDERS hiding underneath our beds. We attacked them and they left running. They didn’t have to time do anything in our apartment and we thought we scared them away enough. We were also so busy with back to back lessons that we couldn’t just stay at home and protect our house. So what happens.. We continue with our day, have an interview with Maria Graça and finally arrive home barely before 10pm. We are exhausted. We enter our apartment and it smells like fish. We are very very very suspicious. We enter our bathroom and find literally the UGLIEST, GROSSEST, BIGGEST fish in our bathtub. Like its dead of course but I couldn’t even look at it without screaming. I was dying. Luckily my comp is Samoan and these things don’t phase her too much so she was able to take it out of our bathtub. I was dying. So we called the elders and started yelling at them. They were dying laughing and just said that we hadn’t found everything yet. That is when my comp decides to look in our beds... and what did she find?? SQUIDS UNDER OUR PILLOWS. I died. Literally died. I already know our neighbors hate us after Saturday night. It was SO SO gross. SO yea we had to wash EVEYTHING on our beds that night. It was so bad. And the worst part?? The next day we were so busy that we didn’t even have time to prank them back. But what we decided to do is say that we called president and that he is really mad and he will call later and arrange the next transfers. They were really scared because this next transfer (that we started today) is their last transfer, and they didn’t want to end their missions with a bad comp or in a bad area. They were SO mad and SO SO scared. We got the office and everyone in on it.. SO on Saturday they were about ready to call the president and explain what happened and that they pulled the prank when we entered the room and said we were joking and didn’t say anything to president. They were SO mad and SO relieved at the same time. The looks on their faces were priceless. 

SO yea it’s a good thing that one of these elders is being transferred this week so maybe these prank wars can end for good. I do not want any more fish in my bed. 

But other that that, our week was really really good! We are teaching some INCREDIBLE women that are going through some hard times and I just know that the gospel will help them SO much!! I am so excited to see them progress and grow their relationship with Christ!! 

Also transfer calls were last night and we are staying together here in Faro! I am really excited because I really like this area! Also sister Aiono will end her mission with me! We will see how that goes!! 

Last week for Pday we went go carting and I won from all of the sisters we were with. SO yea I am not out of practice of driving.. yet. 

Have a great week everyone!! You are all amazing and I am so grateful for your support! 

Sister Jones 

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