Monday, December 5, 2016

The week of the dead rat and possible rabies


This semana was good! Not going to lie it was porbably the hardest week of my whole mission but I am learning and growing so much and I know there is no growth without hard times. So I am grateful for the times and opportunities I have right now to change and also grow closer to Christ as I rely on the Atonement. 

Okay let me just address the subject line of this email. It starts on Saturday. We didn't have plans and we are currently looking for new people to teach so our plans were to  go to the center of the city and just do street contacts and try to find new people. But we chose the wrong day because it was literaly so windy with SO much rain. *Side note: When I got here everyone said it was freezing during the winter and I was like nah I survived a Rexburg winter last year this is nothing. I WAS SO WRONG. It is so cold here I never leave the house without at least 4 layers and a puffy jacket* Okay lets continue with the story. SO we basically decided that street contacts weren't going to happen so we decided to try to visit a less active and as we are walking there battling the wind and rain with our umbrellas when all the sudden a car zooms by and literally just soaks us with water. It was like a movie as we just screamed and then were soaked. But we treaked our way and she wasn't home. But as we were leaving her apartment I saw a dead rat on the ground. SO we naturally decide to take a selfie (which didn't even turn out) next to it. To my absolute horrer my umbrella fell and landed RIGHT on the rat. SO I was basically forced to touch the rat a little and it was absoultely one of the worst moments of my life. Good news I haven't started foaming at the mouth yet but don't have much confidence that I don't have rabies yet. Stay updated. 

But yea anyways we had splits on Friday and I was in a triple with a Brazilian and a Portuguese! It was really good to be back with Native speakers!  It humbled me and reminded me how much I have more to learn. I was getting kind of confident with my language abilities because I can communicate with SIster Conrad with no problems, so it was good to be humbled again. Also I learned so much and we taught some awesome lessons together here in Mafra!!

One of our favorite investigators dropped us this week (for now) she said try after Christmas so we will see but we were pretty sad about that. We are in a dry spell here and everyday we try so so hard to find new people with close to no results and it gets really hard and disapointing sometimes, but I have really learned the importance of relying on the Lord and having faith in His plan for all of His children. 

Also CHRISTMAS HAS ARRIVED HERE! I thought Mafra was cute before Christmas but now they have little christmas cabins, a nativity, Christmas music all day, and literal chestnust roasting on an open fire! We are literally living out of a Hallmark movie and I love it so much!! Does my heart good to see so much Christmas spirit. 

Also we have an investigator marked for baptism on January 7th (shout out to my sister because thats her birthday) and he is progressing really good so everyone pray for him!!! 

Okay I think thats all I got this week! We had transfer calls last night AND.... we are both staying here in Mafra together! I am so excited because I know my time is not done here and I love Sister Conrad so its a win win!!! 

Love you all! Thank you for all the love and all the prayers! I can feel them!! 
The Rat!

Bad attempt of a selfie with the rat



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